2011 Winter Awards Ceremony
In an evening ceremony at Christian Brothers School’s Cultural Center in City Park, the New Orleans Academic Games League (NOAGL) honored individuals and school teams who excelled in the League’s Propaganda and On-Sets competitions this semester.
The ceremony held December 5 recognized 21 area elementary students, 18 middle schoolers, and 33 high school students for their performance in the language game, Propaganda. Additionally, 20 elementary students, 15 middle schoolers, and 36 high school students received awards earned individually or as part of their schools’ teams in the logic and analysis game, On-Sets.
For a complete copy of this evening’s program listing the individuals and schools who were recognized with medals and/or Thinkers (trophies cast in the image of Rodin’s famed sculpture, “The Thinker”), please contact NOAGL publicity Director Leah Smith at publicity@noagl.org.
Photos from the 2011 Winter Awards Ceremony