
Reconnect with Academic Games.


We all have fond memories of our time in Academic Games. Late night Presidents study parties, writing hilarious Propaganda clues with friends, intense On-Sets and Equations matches in after school, and the long, fun-filled bus trips to Nationals are a few of mine. I was sad to graduate from high school because I thought that it might be the end of Academic Games for me. But I soon realized that while my Academic Games playing career was over, there was still one more solution that I—actually, all alumni—must solve. How do we leave a legacy that allows Academic Games to grow? What can we do to share our experiences with the next generation? How can we pay it forward?

I quickly learned that the answer is simple: You can pay it forward by reconnecting with Academic Games.

There are two main ways that our alumni can get involved in Academic Games today: (1) Project Give a Game allows you to donate the price of an Equations or On-Sets game to an upstart team and (2) new and existing schools can always use experienced former players to instruct students in any or all of the academic games.

These two ways for alumni to stay involved are critical for the continuation of Academic Games in the Greater New Orleans Metro Area.

I challenge you to reconnect with the NOAGL and allow our students to have the same developmental experiences that we had in our own times.

Dwayne Fontenette, Jr.
NOAGL Alumnus