League Rules
Officers | League Meetings | Games | Divisions | Entering Players | Fees | Schedule | Seating | Time Limits | Team Scores | Delinquency | Materials | Playoffs | Nationals Rules | Nationals Qualifying | Nationals Teams | Indiv. Sweepstakes | Appendix A: Awards Policies and Procedures
- The League Director is responsible for all aspects of the league: meetings, finances, competition, participation in the national tournament, etc. The Director sets the date, time, and location of league meetings and presides at them.
The League Director is Brother Neal Golden.
- The Treasurer, appointed by the League Director, handles all financial duties, including:
- Receipt of dues, fees, donations, and any other income;
- Disbursement of all payments;
- Establishment and maintenance of the NOAGL bank account;
- Handling all matters related to the league’s incorporation and tax-exempt status;
- Presentation of a financial report at each league meeting.
The Treasurer is Connie Powell.
- A Game Coordinator is appointed by the League Director to supervise the competition in an individual game for one or more divisions.
- Each Game Coordinator receives the entries from the schools, schedules the rounds, supervises the judges and scorekeepers, re-seats individual players as necessary at rounds, tallies and publishes the results from each session, and chooses the readers for Propaganda and Presidents.
- Each coordinator supplies information to the Publicity Director and Webmaster needed to publicize the results of each competition.
- Each coordinator gives the Awards Coordinator the list of award winners in each game.
The Game Coordinators are:
- Propaganda and Presidents: Br. Neal Golden
- Equations & On-Sets: Br. Neal Golden (Jr/Sr), Br. Laurence Konersmann (El/Mid)
- The Awards Coordinator is responsible for the purchase and distribution of all awards in accordance with the league policy on awards. See Appendix A for the current Awards Policies and Procedures.
The Awards Coordinator is Paula Hidalgo.
The current NOAGL policy for awards is as follows: TBA
- The Alumni Director, appointed by the League Director, handles all relations with former Academic Games players, including:
- Compiling contact information for purposes of keeping in contact with alumni;
- Organizing social events for alumni;
- Working with the Development Director in fund-raising activities aimed at alumni;
- Supplying the Training Director with names of alumni volunteers interested in training teachers and students;
- Presenting reports at the league meetings on alumni initiatives;
- Creating a newsletter sent to alumni at least annually;
- Forming one or more alumni committees to assist in the accomplishment of the above tasks.
The Alumni Director is Craig Zeller.
- The Publicity Director, appointed by the League Director, promotes NOAGL through the local media and educational organizations. The duties include:
- Distributing news releases before and after competitions and other league events;
- Contacting local groups of schools and educators (e.g., principals associations, professional organization such as mathematics or social studies teacher associations) to inform them about what NOAGL offers;
- Making sure the Webmaster has the information needed to post information about league activities;
- Forming one or more committees to help with the above tasks.
The Publicity Director is Paula Hidalgo.
- The Development Director, appointed by the League Director, solicits donations to help NOAGL, Inc. accomplish its mission.
The Development Director position is currently vacant.
- The Training Director, appointed by the League Director, supervises the teaching of the games played in the league to students and teachers. The duties include:
- Scheduling training sessions for adults and students open to anyone interested in attending;
- Responding to requests for training from individual schools or groups of schools;
- Working with the Alumni Director to obtain instructors for the training sessions;
The Training Director is Brother Neal Golden.
- The Webmaster, appointed by the League Director, develops and maintains NOAGL’s website and online presence.
The Webmaster is Craig Zeller.
- NOAGL has no standing committees. However, temporary officers may be appointed as needed to chair special committees.
Examples of special committees: committee to evaluate the awards program and suggest revisions, committee to review the Nationals qualifying rules, a committee to plan for league expansion to new schools
League Meetings
- An organizational meeting is held near the beginning of each school year. At this meeting, the calendar for the school year is finalized along with the rules for Nationals qualifying, league dues, entry fees, any changes in these rules and procedures, and any other necessary business.
The meeting is usually held in late August at 4 pm at a site chosen by the League Director.
- At the organizational meeting, votes are taken on the basis of one vote for each school represented at the meeting. Occasionally, special votes are taken later in the school year on matters not covered at the organizational meeting. These votes, on the same one-vote-per-school basis, are taken either by e-mail, at a round of play, or at a special moderators’ meeting.
- Another meeting is held in May after all local and national competition is complete. The main purposes of the meeting are to:
- Draft the calendar for the following school year.
- Review the most recent school year and consider any proposals for changes to these procedures.
- Consider the proposed AGLOA rules changes for the upcoming year.
- The games played in League competition come from the three subject areas covered by the AGLOA National Tournament.
Mathematics consists of the games of Equations and On-Sets.
Language Arts consists of Propaganda and LinguiSHTIK.
Social Studies consists of Presidents, Theme and Current Events.
- NOAGL competition consists of Equations, On-Sets, Propaganda, and Presidents. Adding another game to the schedule or replacing a game with another game requires a majority vote of the league schools at a regular or special meeting.
- Play in each game is governed by the rules in the current year’s AGLOA National Tournament Rules. Any exceptions are determined at a meeting of moderators and promulgated at least one week prior to the first round of competition in a game.
The primary adaptation NOAGL makes for its local play is to phase in the national lists of Equations variations in all divisions. Also, a Reading Game Coordinator may decide to use fewer or more questions or examples than called for by the national rules.
- In all games, play takes place in four divisions.
- An Elementary Division player must be in the 6th grade or below.
- A Middle Division player must be in the 8th grade or below.
- A Junior Division player must be in the 10th grade or below.
- A Senior Division player must be in the 12th grade or below.
- For Equations and On-Sets, a Learners Division is formed if there are enough entrants, as decided by the Game Coordinator. To participate in Learners Division, a player must:
- Be in fifth grade or below.
- Not have played the game (Equations or On-Sets) in any league previously if the player is in fifth grade.
Learners Division plays only the basic game for the first few rounds, then a limited set of variations for the remaining round(s). The list of variations and rounds in which they are played are determined by the Game Coordinator in consultation with the League Director and promulgated prior ro Round One of the game.
Entering Teams and Individuals
- In all games, a team consists of no more than five players. Exceptions to this rule may be made by the Game Coordinator for certain divisions if the number of entrants warrants it.
- If the number of entrants in a division is small, the Game Coordinator may form teams of four rather than five or, for an even smaller number of participants, teams of three.
- In all rules below that refer to teams of five, adjust each rule when teams in a division consisting of fewer than five players.
- In some cases, as in Learners Division, the Game Coordinator may conduct only individual competition.
- In all divisions (including Learners) of all games, 18 is the minimum number of players
required to have a team competition. If only individual competition is held in a cube
game, then the schedule for the second session of play (Rounds 3 and 4) will be based
on the scores of the players during the first two rounds regardless of players’ school
affiliations. This will be done to pit top scorers against each other in order to
determine the first-, second-, and third-place finishers and minimize ties. No team
trophies will be awarded. - The 18-player minimum for holding team competition will also apply to reading
games. However, players’ school affiliation will be taken into account when making
the table assignments for each session since players must check each others’ answers.
- There is no limit to the number of players a school may enter in a competition in any division of any game. A school enters its students in a division in teams of five. However, if the school has additional players or has fewer than five players for a division, the Game Coordinator groups the extras with players from other schools to form “conglomerate” teams.
- This is done prior to round one of the game, although adjustments may be made based on the actual attendance at Round 1.
- When the Game Coordinator has formed as many teams of five in a division, there may be one-to-four extra players who are placed individually in matches on a round-by-round basis.
- Depending on the number of teams entered in a division, the Game Coordinator divides competition into one or more subdivisions (districts).
- In any division in which a school has at least one five-member team, any extra player from that school in that division or a lower division who is not on a five-player team of the school may be used as a substitute for a round to replace an absent player on one of the school’s complete teams.
- No player who participates in any competition of another league (Jefferson or St. Bernard) is eligible to play in the corresponding NOAGL competition for that academic year. Special circumstances, such as a student transferring from a school in one league to an NOAGL school during the school year or students practicing in a NOAGL cube game competition because there are too few students in the other LA league, are handled by the League Director on a case by case basis.
- Each member school is assessed a fee for annual dues. Payment is due no later than the second week of the first league competition in which the school participates. (For one-day tournaments, see #27 below.)
The League dues are $50. If not paid by the due date, the school incurs a penalty of $10.
- For each game, a non-refundable fee is assessed for each student registered for that game. Any student registered after the deadline incurs an additional late fee.
- Note that any registered student who is unable to participate may be replaced by another non-registered student from the same school who is eligible to play in the registered student’s division. There is no additional charge for such a substitution.
The fee for each player for each competition is $7. A student registered after the deadline incurs an additional $3 fee. If game fees are not paid by the due date, a penalty is levied that equals $10 or $1 per player, whichever figure is smaller. If a sufficient reason is presented to the Game Coordinator for late payment, the penalty may be waived.
- For competitions that do not have a second week of play, game fees (and annual dues, if applicable) are due at check-in time prior to the beginning of the first round of play. For one-day tournaments, all fees must be paid in full at check-in. For all other contests, game fees are due by the second week of tournament play in that game.
For each game, a registration form/invoice will be sent to each school with instructions concerning payment of fees for that game. In general, when paying fees, each school should submit an envelope containing a completely filled-in invoice and the payment (cash or check). Make checks payable to “NOAGL.” If fees are mailed, they must be addressed to the league treasurer and postmarked no later than the due date to avoid late fee status.
- Schools will not be permitted to register for any NOAGL contest until all fees for previously entered contests are paid in full. Also, schools who have participated in their first contest of the year may not register for any subsequent contest until their annual League dues for that year are paid in full.
Schedule structure
- The Game Coordinators for Equations and On-Sets makes the schedule for each division.
- If the number of teams entered in a division of a cube game warrants it, the coordinator will divide the teams in that division into districts. The coordinator will try to make the districts equal in strength.
- If possible, a team plays every other team in its district at least once and not more than twice. Exceptions may be necessary if too few or too many teams are entered in a district.
- If a division is not broken into districts, the team champion is the team with the most points at the end of the last round. If two or more teams are tied for first, a playoff will be held.
- If a division is broken into two or more districts, the district champions will meet in a playoff to determine the league champion. If necessary, a preliminary playoff will be held to decide a district winner if two or more teams tie for first in the district.
- The number of rounds of play and the dates of the rounds in each game are finalized at the League meeting at the beginning of the school year. If changes must be made because of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the Game Coordinator adjusts the schedule as necessary and notifies all registered teams.
Seating Players at Competitions
Reading Games (Propaganda, Presidents, and Current Events)
- Game Coordinators for reading games assign players to tables for purposes of checking each other’s answers and keeping score.
- The game coordinator assigns three players to each table (with some tables having four if necessary) so that no player is at a table with a schoolmate.
- If a school enters such a large number of players in the division that it is impossible to avoid players from the same school at a table, the coordinator assigns players from different teams of the school to the same table.
- Tables of just two players are avoided even if it means creating tables of four.
- In no instance are players from different divisions seated at the same table.
Cube Games (Equations and On-Sets)
- A match involves either two or three teams according to the schedule created by the Game Coordinator.
- A match consists of competition at five tables. Play at each table involves one member of each team in the match.
- If teams in a division consist of fewer than five players, the number of tables in each match is adjusted accordingly.
- For each match, the players of each team are seeded one through five. The match begins with the number one players at table one, number two players at table two, etc.
- For the first round of competition, the moderator/coach seeds the players.
- After the first round of league play in the game, players must be seeded according to the cumulative points they have scored thus far in that game.
- The player who has scored the most points must play at table one; second highest scorer at table two, etc.
- If two players have the same number of points, the player who was at the higher table in the previous match remains ahead. (Note: Cumulative points do not carry over from one cube game to the next.)
- If a team is missing a player for a match, the other players move up so that the team has no participant at Table 5 (or at Tables 4 and 5 if two are missing, etc.).
- A substitute (see Rule 22) is seated according to the cumulative points scored by the substitute, not according to the points of the player being replaced.
- Sometimes the Game Coordinator must make adjustments in the seating before the round begins because of absent players or extra players not assigned to any team.
- A player with no opponent does not receive an automatic 6 and must be moved to a different table or have another player moved to his table.
- The first criterion when moving a player is to match two (or three) players who have no opponents at their assigned table(s) provided the players are not from the same school.
- In no case will a player be moved to a table that already has three players. As a last resort, one of the three players at a table may be moved to another table with less than three players in order to avoid having two players from the same school competing at the same table.
- In some instances, the Game Coordinator adjusts the seating of players within the same match so that each player has an opponent.
Example: In a three-team match, two teams may have only four players. So Table 5 has only one player. In this instance, one of the players from Table 4 of the match who is not a teammate of the player at Table 5 should be moved to Table 5.
- The score of any player who has been moved to a table in a different match counts for his team in its scheduled match.
- If a player violates the seating rule (42), then:
- If the player plays at a higher table than she should have, that player keeps whatever score she makes.
- If the player plays at a lower table than she should have, that player is given the lowest possible score for that table. That is, for a two-player table, the player scores 4; for a three-player table, the player scores 2.
- The scores of the other player(s) at the table are adjusted accordingly as are the scores of the teams.
- The exception to this rule is that a player moved to a table by the Game Coordinator (or by someone delegated by the Game Coordinator) is never penalized for sitting at the wrong table unless the player moves to another table on her own.
Time Limits for Rounds
Reading Games (Propaganda and Presidents)
- The length of each round is determined by the number of questions read. The time limits for each question are those listed in the AGLOA Tournament Rules for each game.
- The Game Coordinator determines the number of questions read in each round, which should be the number listed in the AGLOA Tournament Rules for the game unless special circumstances dictate otherwise. The questions come from those sold yearly by AGLOA to leagues for local competition.
Cube Games (Equations and On-Sets)
- The players at each table play as many shakes as time allows, scoring each shake according to the AGLOA Tournament Rules.
- Each round is timed as follows.
- After 30 minutes, players are told not to start any new shakes and that they have 5 minutes to finish the current shake.
- After five additional minutes, players are told to stop making moves if there has not been a challenge or Last Cube Procedure. In this case, each player must write an Equation using any cubes remaining in Resources. Any player with a correct Equation scores 4 for the last shake; a player without a correct Equation scores 2.
- When the last shake at the table is completed, the cumulative scores are tallied on the scoresheet and individual scores assigned according to the scoring rules in the AGLOA Tournament Rules.
Team Scores
- The team’s score for a round in any game is the sum of the scores of its individual players.
- For Equations and On-Sets, the team scoring the highest total points for the match receives 6 points for team standings. The second place team gains 4 points. The third place team (if there is one), scores 2.
- If two teams tie for first in a match, each receives 5 points for team standings (the third team scoring 2). If two teams tie for second, each gains 3 points (the winner receiving 6). If all three teams tie, each receives 4 points in the standings.
- For both team and individual competition in every game, position in district standings is determined by total points.
- The Game Coordinator keeps a record of the scores of all individuals and teams from round to round and issues regular reports to the competing schools.
- Any request for a score to be corrected must be made before the next playing date of that game. If the score occurred in the last round of the game, the request for a correction must be made within 48 hours of the scores being promulgated by the Game Coordinator.
- This rule refers to errors in recording scores on the scoresheet or Match Report Form or in entering scores into a computer. Any protests of a ruling by a judge during a match must be made before initializing the scoresheet. (See “Some General Comments on Officiating” at the beginning of the AGLOA Manual for Equations and On-Sets Officials.)
Delinquent Teams and Players
- If a team is scheduled for a match in Equations or On-Sets but has fewer than 50% of its players arrive to compete, the team is counted as having played the match but gains no points for district standings.
Examples: In a normal five-table match, if fewer than three players of a team (counting substitutes) participate in the match, the team does not earn the 2 points for a third-place finish in the match. If competition consists of four-player teams, if only one of the four players competes, the team scores 0 for district standings.
- The starting time, date, and site for a match are set by the League schedule. If a player is more than 15 minutes late, play begins without him. If the player arrives after the match begins, follow the AGLOA Tournament Rules for the player’s score for the shakes (questions) missed.
- Exceptions to this rule can be made can be made by the Game Coordinator if a team or individual, fearing tardiness, calls the host school or Game Coordinator to ask that their match be delayed or sends word that they are caught in traffic, the bus is late, a car was involved in an accident, etc.
Playing Materials
- For all rounds of league competition, each player must have a pen or pencil.
- The League provides a scoresheet for each table (with the appropriate information on the back depending on the game).
- The scoresheet and any other materials referred to below are copies of the forms that can be downloaded from the AGLOA website.
Reading Games (Propaganda and Presidents)
- The League provides an answer sheet for each player.
- For Propaganda, the League provides a list of techniques for each player.
- For Presidents, the League provides each player with a copy of the Gazeteer Chart for the range of presidents being played in the round and a 6-4-2 sheet for each table.
Cube Games (Equations and On-Sets)
- The League provides at least one copy at each table of the variations being played in each division.
- Each player must have paper to write solutions on.
- For On-Sets, each player may have a chart that follows the guidelines and examples listed in the AGLOA On-Sets Tournament Rules and Appendices.
- For team competition, no playoffs are held to break a tie for second place or lower in any divisions of any game.
- Teams timed for first place playoff in every division of every game.
- A playoff is conducted for individuals tied for first place in every division of every game except in Equations and On-Sets in Elementary Division or any game in Learners Division.
Reading Games (Propaganda, Presidents, Current Events)
- If two or more teams tie for first at the end of the last round of competition, the Game Coordinator conducts a playoff using extra questions supplied by AGLOA.
- If possible, the playoff is scheduled as soon as possible after the last round, before individuals have left the competition site.
- If it impossible to conduct the playoff on the same day as the last round, the playoff is scheduled for a date, time, and place agreeable to all teams involved in the playoff.
- The playoff is conducted as follows.
- Players are seated as in the regular competition. That is, one member of each team
at each table in order of scores from highest to lowest. - Players are provided the same materials (scoresheet, answer sheet, technique list or gazetteer chart, etc.) as in the regular competition.
- One question from each of the four sections of Propaganda or two from each range of Presidents covered in the competition is read. Players answer and score as in the regular rounds.
- When all questions have been read, scores are tabulated and the winner announced. If teams or individuals are still tied, then they are co-champions.
Cube Games (Equations and On-Sets)
- If the teams tied for first tie when they meet each other in the last round of regular competition, then a “sudden death” playoff is conducted as soon as possible before any players leave the match site.
- All players return to the table where they just competed to play one untimed shake.
- The Goal-setter is determined as at the beginning of any shake.
- Players record their scores and turn in the scoresheet.
- If the teams tie again, players return to the same tables and play another untimed shake, determining the Goal-setter as at the beginning of any shake.
- Teams continue playing overtime rounds until the tie is broken.
- If the condition stated at the beginning of Rule 67 does not apply, the Game Coordinator schedules a playoff match at a date, site, and time agreeable to all teams involved in the playoff.
- If two teams tie in the playoff match, apply the sudden death procedure described in the previous rule until a champion is determined.
- If a three-team playoff is needed, but two of the teams are from the same school, then
the Game Coordinator may use a revised system.
- For all situations not covered by the previous two rules, the Game Coordinator decides how to proceed.
Examples of situations not covered include teams tied for first in a district and four-way ties.
National Rules
- For all situations not covered in these rules, the AGLOA Tournament Rules for each game govern competition.
Nationals Qualifying
- The rules governing how players qualify for Nationals are finalized at the opening meeting of the school year and disseminated to all schools prior to the first round of competition for the year.
The following Nationals qualifying rules are in force for 2022-2023 and beyond.
- Each player’s rank is determined by the sum of their scores from three of the four games played by NOAGL this tournament season—Propaganda, Presidents, Equations, On-Sets—with the lowest score from one game dropped if a player competes in four games.
- Any player in any division who participates in at least three of the four games scheduled this year can qualify for Nationals. “Participate” means compete in at least one of the two sessions of a tournament. A student who registers for a game but does not attend either week’s session of that game has not participated in that NOAGL competition.
- Each player who qualifies by playing just three games is expected to participate in the fourth game (the one that the player missed locally) at Nationals as well. However, the coach can ask the league for a waiver from this rule if the coach does not think the player will be competitive in that game at Nationals. (This primarily refers to Equations and On-Sets.)
- Learners Equations and Learners On-Sets in Elementary Division do not count for Nationals qualifying.
- Raw scores (6-4-2 scale) are used in Equations and On-Sets.
- Propaganda and Presidents scores are scaled to make the highest score in the division equal to 24, which is the highest score possible in four rounds of Equations or On-Sets.
Example: If the highest Propaganda score in the division is 110, multiply each player’s score by 24/110 or .218.
- The standings for Nationals qualifying are kept by the Game Coordinators for their divisions.
The Junior/Senior qualifying lists are maintained by Brother Neal Golden and the Elementary/Middle lists by Brother Laurence Konersmann.
The lists are posted on the NOAGL website after each round of a tournament.
- The number of Nationals qualifiers in each division is determined by the rules laid down by AGLOA.
The current AGLOA guidelines for determining the number of Nationals qualifiers in each division are as follows.
- The number of qualifiers is based on the average number of participants in the three games with the largest participation.
- Elementary and Middle:
Avg.# participants | Maximum # allowed at Nationals |
5-25 | 5 |
26-50 | 10 |
51-75 | 15 |
76-125 | 20 |
126-175 | 25 |
176-225 | 30 |
(and so on for more participants) |
- Junior and Senior:
Avg.# participants | Maximum # allowed at Nationals |
5-25 | 10 |
26-50 | 15 |
51-75 | 20 |
76-100 | 25 |
101-125 | 30 |
126-150 | 35 |
(and so on for more participants) |
Formation of Nationals Teams
- Teams for the national tournament will be formed according to these guidelines.
- If a school has five qualifiers in a division, that school may enter those five as a team if the coach wishes to do so.
- After any school teams have been formed, the coaches with qualifiers in a division will form the remaining teams. There are too many possible scenarios to make hard and fast rules beyond formation of school teams when possible. Coaches who wish their players to be together on a Nationals team can make their case. Others can argue for forming teams based solely on composite scores. In all cases, a majority vote of the coaches in each division will determine the makeup of the teams.
Individual Sweepstakes Standings
- The top five players in each division receive awards.
- To be eligible for an Individual Sweepstakes Award, a player must play all four games.
- The scores for all four games (as adjusted for the reading games) are added to determine a player’s rank in the Individual Sweepstakes standings.
Appendix A: Awards Policies and Procedures
- The traveling trophy is presented to the first-place team in each division. The trophy is inscribed with the name of the game and the division. The date and team name is inscribed upon a screw-on plaque that can be easily and economically added each year.
- Co-champion teams in a reading will each display the traveling trophy at their school for six months.
- After being presented to the school, the traveling trophy must be returned to the league before or at the last round of the same game the following year.
- Certificates are given to the members of each team winning an award.
- In each division of each game (including Learners Division), recognition items are given to the top scorers including ties. Ties for 1st place in all divisions except Elementary and Learners are broken using the playoff system.
- Each type of award is standardized.
Individual awards for each game and for sweepstakes both consist of medallions with a ribbon. The color of the ribbon designates the place earned: Gold (1st), Silver (2nd), and Bronze (3rd). The medallion for the game awards and the medallion for the sweepstakes awards have different faces, but otherwise all medals for each type are the same. The game awards have two Thinkers face to face. The Sweeps medals have one Thinker. All medals say “NOAGL” across the top and the name of the game or “SWEEPS” across the bottom. The distinguishing characteristics (date, division, place, perfect score, etc.) are inscribed on the reverse side of the medallion. Game medallions are inscribed with the name of the game and the division; the sweepstakes medallions, with the division.
In the reading games, students are awarded certificates for placing in the Top 10 outside of the Top 3 individuals
- Individual Sweepstakes awards are given to the top five players in each division. Each eligible player’s score is the sum of her four game scores with the reading games adjusted as for Nationals qualifying.
- The number of awards given depends on the number of students competing in a division.
- The following table will be used to determine the number of awards in each division of a game.
# of Entrants in a Division | Team Awards | Individual Awards |
Less than 6 | 0 | 1 |
7-12 | 0 | 2 |
13-17 | 0 | 3 |
18-35 | 1 | 3 |
36-44 | 2 | 3 |
45-60 | 3 | 3 |
More than 60 | 4 | 4 |
NOAGL conducts three awards ceremonies.
- A winter awards ceremony is held in December to recognize the individual and team winners from the first semester tournaments.
- The Presidents Tournament has a ceremony immediately within ten days of the competition at the World War II Museum for the top three individuals in each division. Any awards given at this ceremony are in addition to those presented at the league’s spring awards ceremony.
- A spring awards ceremony is held after the national tournament. It recognizes the winners from the second semester tournaments and the year’s Individual Sweepstakes winners, and all NOAGL players who attended Nationals.
- Awards recipients in all divisions and their families are invited to each ceremony.